Številke na jadru/sail numbers

Za vse tekmovalce na windsurfu je zaželjeno, da imajo številke z nacionalno kodo (SLO XXX) na jadru. Kdor številk ne bo imel lahko prevzame dres s številko ob plačilu kavcije, in ga vrne po opravljeni regati v regatno pisarno.

Sail numbers with national code (GBR XXX) are welcome on sails. Sailors without them, can hire a shirt with number and return it after completing the race.

Piranja 2019

Pirat Sailing Club is warmly inviting you to the 12th edition of Piranja – All You Can Ride Windsurf Race and SUP Contest in the charming Piran Bay, Slovenia, on September 7-8 th 2019.
Saturday September 7th, 2019
12.00 – starting signal for the long distance Windsurfing race
16.30 – starting signal for the SUP race
Sunday September 8th
11:00 – first possible starting signal for D2 class series

Piranja race will consist of sailing and paddling contests, followed by the prize-giving ceremony later in the afternoon, delicious lunch & dinner, drinks and a great party on Saturday evening.
Piranja is valid for ID2CA Division 2 class ranking with coefficent 1.
The format of Saturday race is long distance and will take place in any permissible weather conditions;
WindFoils are also very welcome!
On Sunday races for Division 2 class will be on schedule
After the Saturday Windsurfing race, a SUP contest will be held in the afternoon, which is also valid for SUP Slovenia Cup.

Online entry is open:
For more informaton and online entries please check www.piranja.si and our Facebook page Piranja Race where the notice of race and other information will be posted.
See you in the beginning of September!
Sailing Club Pirat Portorož

2018 Piranja and Division II European Championship was supported by



2018 Piranja and Division II European Championship was supported by

Globus Marine International
Tender One Rib Management
Sailing Point
Občina Piran
Bernardin hotels and resorts
Hotel&Restaurant Tomi Portorož
Restaurant Pavel Piran

Thanks to International Jury composed by
-Joep Strauss IJ (BEL)
-Dušan Vanicky IJ (SVK)
-Tullio Giraldi IJ (ITA)
-Ivan Štravs NJ (SLO)
-Miroslav Čarman NJ (SLO)
and the Race Committee led by Bojan Gale IRO
Thanks to all competitors!

Special thanks to all those who helped organising this event!
See you next year!🤙😎😊🤗


Piranja 2018

PORTOROŽ, 9. september 2018 - Po petkovem brezvetrju, ko je ko regatni odbor moral priznati premoč narave, so v soboto jadralci sklenili letošnjo Piranjo in Evropsko prvenstvo za jadralne deske D2.

Za izvedbo finalnih plovov evropskega prvenstva razreda D2 je bilo ponovno premalo vetra, zato so obveljali rezultati po šestih regatah. Udeleženci Piranje so imeli več sreče. Popoldne je zapihalo dovolj, da je 37 windsurferjev startalo izpred Pirata proti Portorožu, kjer so obrnili prvo oznako. Nato jih je 10 vozlov maestrala popeljalo do druge boje pri piranski punti in nazaj v cilj.

Zadnji so bili na sporedu obračuni SUP-ov. Otroci do 18. leta starosti so se pomerili na krajši, kilometer dolgi razdalji med klubom in skladiščih soli, ostali pa so na zadovoljstvo gledalcev veslali do glavnega portoroškega pomola in nazaj.

Zmagovalec Piranje 2018 je postal tudi najboljši na evropskem prvenstvu v kategoriji C, francoz Alain Cadre, pred švedom Jonasom Davidsonom in Matjažem Puhom.

Nesporni zmagovalec Piranje 2018 pa je postal Željko Srdoć iz DSNM VOLOSKO, ki je iz Portoroža odšel s štirimi odličji. Na evropskem prvenstvu D2 je namreč osvojil bronasto odličje, regato jadralcev na deski je končal prvi v kategoriji D2 A, prvi je prečkal tudi cilj med supi ter s tem osvojil še zmago v kombinaciji.

Zvečer so se obiskovalci zabavali ob notah lokalne rokenrol skupine Teddy Bears.

Jana Pines
Povezava do rezultatov:

Division 2 europeans results

Division 2 European champion 2018 in C category is Cadre Alain from 🇫🇷!

Division 2 European champion 2018 in A category is Ezio Ferin from

Results europeans d2


Day 2, Day 3

There was no racing today at the D2 European Championship hosted by Jadralni klub PIRAT Portorož.

Competitors waited for wind ashore until 14:15 when it became clear that the situation wasn't going to improve so the PRO Bojan Gale hoisted AP over A to signal postponement to a later day.

Racing resumes tomorrow as scheduled.

Image may contain: outdoor
The second day of the D2 European Championship saw Portorož at its best.
After 6 races on top
1. Alain Cadre (FRA)
2. Jonas Davidson (SWE)
3. Matjaž Puh (SLO)
among the C
1. Ezio Ferin (ITA)
2. Petros Katsareas (GRE)
3. Željko Srdoč (CRO)
in A category

Day 1, D2 Europeans

After a 2 hour delay ashore, 20 competitors from 8 countries completed the first three races of the D2 European Championship. Alain Cadre from 🇫🇷proved uncatchable in a lovely breeze of 10 knots, while Ezio Ferin 🇮🇹 is the highest placed in division A.
