Osnovna navodila tekmovalcem/basic instructions for competitors:
- Parkiranje je pred Korotanom/Turistico (brezplačno) in na Bernadinu (plačljivo!). V JK Pirat se lahko razloži oprema, vozilo pa naj se v najkrajšem času premakne na parkirišče. Kontakt za usmerjanje prometa je naš gospodar kluba g. Domen. Ima daljinec od parkirišča Turistike (ki se nahaja na drugi strani ceste)
- Prijave za SUP so v soboto od 8h-9h. Prijave za Windsurf se začnejo ob 9.30
- Številke za SUP se vrača takoj po koncu SUP regate (11h-12.00) ob izhodu iz vode se obesijo na vrv ob klančini.
- Sledite regatnim navodilom (na oglasni deski) in navodilom moderatorja, ki bo obvestil o vseh morebitnih spremembah (npr. prestavljen štart in podobno)
- Obvezno se udeležite skippers meetinga 30 min pred štartom.
- Kosilo se prične okoli 12.00h – Kosilo in pijačo se dobi s kuponom. Hrano in pijačo postrežeta za to določeni osebi.
- Podelitev se prične ob 12:00 oz. po zaključku SUP dirke. Za VSA VPRAŠANJA se obrnite na organizatorje, regatno pisarno ali moderatorja
- Parking is in front of Korotan/Turistica (free) and in Bernadin next to club (paid!). Equipment can be unloaded at JK Pirat, and the vehicle should be moved to the parking lot as soon as possible. The contact for directing traffic is our club caretaker, Mr. Domen. He has a remote from the Turistika parking lot (located on the other side of the road)
- Registration for SUP is on Saturday from 8 am to 9 am. Registration for Windsurf starts at 9.30am
- Numbers/bib vest for SUP are returned immediately after the end of the SUP regatta (11:00-12:00) when exiting the water, they are hung on the rope next to the ramp.
- Follow the regatta instructions (on the notice board) and the instructions of the moderator, who will inform you of any possible changes (e.g. postponed start, etc.)
- You should attend the skippers meeting 30 minutes before the start.
- Lunch starts around 12:00 pm - Lunch and drinks are available with a coupon. Food and drink will be served by a person in charge.
- The award ceremony starts at 12:00 or after completing the SUP race. For ALL QUESTIONS, please contact the organizers, the race office or the moderator